Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crafter Profile - LuAnn R

Her Story: A virus got me started in crafting.  Specifically, in 2002, a virus attacked my heart and reduced my heart’s functionality.  I was diagnosed with viral cardiomyopathy when I went into congestive heart failure.  Eventually, I had to go on complete medical disability from my full-time job.  Making hair accessories began as a Christmas present project for family and friends…but after many compliments and urgings from friends, I began doing local craft shows.  Now, it’s a bit of “mad” money for me to spend at Christmastime.  I am very blessed.  God has given me a second chance on life, and I hope his light is reflected in the love and caring that goes into my creations. 

What keeps her interested in crafting: I love the creative process of combining colors, fabrics and textures.   I enjoy the people that I have met on this journey.  I especially like that crafting has allowed me to “give back” and whenever possible I try to pass on the creative process to the next generation.  I am humbled to be able to donate products to raise funds for various causes.  I also blessed to have been able to provide my products for missions’ trips to various countries. 

Her favorite craft: hair accessories and purses

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